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Darling Brew, 

Darling brew launches spirited flight, a new line of healthy beer-mix drinks

Darling Brew has launched Spirited Flight, a new line of healthy beer-mix drinks which provide a beverage that is refreshing, light-in-alcohol and a delicious healthy alternative to artificially flavoured beers and ciders.

The range kicks off with “Golden Tail”, a lemon Radler, inspired by the Golden-Ringed Dragonfly. With flavours of lemon and lime derived from natural essential oils, this beer-mix is refreshing and light with just the right amount of sweetness to balance the bitterness of the slow-brewed beer.

In line with Darling Brew’s ethos of conservation, Spirited Flight has not only been inspired by the dragonfly, but the dragonfly has been specifically chosen based on what it symbolises. 

“Dragonflies are known as a flying 'green' flag of good environmental quality. They have been employed successfully as indicators of ecosystem health in environmental impact assessments and monitoring programs globally, thus providing an effective tool to monitor the health of freshwater. Water security is a global issue, with South Africa being one of the many developing countries in the world which are highly water-stressed,” says Philippa Wood, co-owner of Darling Brew. “Despite our dependence on fresh water, we lack awareness of the need to protect these systems. For us the dragonfly is a symbol for awareness around water security and climate change action.”

In line with the new range of beer-mix drinks and the message they symbolise, Darling Brew have also launched a series of informative graphics and tips on saving water and the importance of water health in drought-stricken South Africa. 

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